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Analytics Software Can Boost Productivity

Seeq Corporation announces the availability of their advanced analytics solutions delivered via software as a service (SaaS) on Microsoft Azure. Seeq enables engineers and scientists in process manufacturing organizations to rapidly analyze, predict, collaborate, and share insights to improve production outcomes. Customers include companies in the oil & gas, pharmaceutical, chemical, energy, mining, food and beverage, and other process industries.

“The move to cloud platforms for advanced analytics on large manufacturing data sets is clearly underway and will only accelerate,” says Michael Risse, Vice President and CMO at Seeq Corporation. “Our goal is to ensure our customers have the advantages of Seeq insights on their cloud platform of choice.”

Seeq is already run by customers on Azure and includes support for Azure-specific features such as Azure Directory Service. Seeq will now offer its software as a SaaS application on Azure to address customer interest in cloud-based analytics solutions. Shell, headquartered in The Hague, Netherlands, is an example. Shell will be providing cloud-based access to Seeq for its process engineers and experts working with OSIsoft PI data.

"Easy cloud-based access to Seeq by our engineers will enable faster insights and reporting on our key real-time data," comments Johan Krebbers, IT CTO of Shell. "Our ability to tap advanced analytics offerings for predictive and root cause analysis of assets and process outcomes delivers on our commitment to continuously improve execution results."

“Seeq’s focus on driving advanced analytics innovation in process manufacturing organizations makes it an ideal addition to the Azure ecosystem,” says Julia White, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Azure. “As Microsoft enables digital transformation initiatives in process manufacturing and IIoT customers, we are excited for the insights Seeq will deliver.”

Recent releases of Seeq have focused on enabling larger deployments through scalability features, and making the Seeq applications easier to use. R20 features, released this summer, include the ability to have live updates to Seeq Topics, which publish insights from Seeq to other users; expanded machine learning functionality for customers doing predictive analytics with Seeq; and an improved query model for customers accessing contextual data from SQL-based data sources to provide faster connections to big data sources.

"Seeq continues to release compelling analytics solutions for customers in process manufacturing and Industry 4.0 engagements," says Janice Abel, Principal Analyst at ARC Advisory Group. "The need for faster and better insights is a consistent requirement for customers investing in IIoT and Smart Manufacturing."

Seeq partners with many leading process automation firms including Emerson Automation Solutions, Inductive Automation, Honeywell, Schneider Electric, and OSIsoft.

Seeq also supports all leading data historians, making it the most widely accessible and extensively used advanced analytics solution in process manufacturing companies. Supported historians include the OSIsoft PI System, GE Proficy, AspenTech InfoPlus (IP) 21, Emerson DeltaV Continuous Historian and Ovation DCS Historian, Honeywell Uniformance PHD Historian, Rockwell Automation FactoryTalk Historian, Inductive Automation’s Ignition Historian, DataParc Historian, Aveva’s WonderWare Historian, Citec SCADA, and eDNA Historian—with others in development.

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 1/2/2019

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