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Aluminum Flashing Can Minimize Risk of Rot and Mold

New from W. R. MEADOWS comes AIR-SHIELD ALUMINUM FLASHING self-adhering, roll-type flexible membrane flashing with an aluminum facer. This nominally 40-mil thick product is an air, vapor, and liquid moisture barrier. When properly applied, AIR-SHIELD ALUMINUM FLASHING reduces the risk of rot and mold development.

AIR-SHIELD ALUMINUM FLASHING provides protection against water infiltration in critical detail areas, such as window and door openings, deck-to-wall intersections, corner boards, wall-to-wall tie-inns, and many other non-roof detail areas. The aluminum-faced film provides improved sealant adhesion and extended UV exposure for up to one year.

“AIR-SHIELD ALUMINUM FLASHING rounds out our line of air barrier accessory products by now providing an option for rough opening detailing that allows a greater selection of compatible sealants,” said Russ Snow, Building Science Specialist at W. R. MEADOWS.

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 3/18/2019

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