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All Lighting: Company Receives 2015 Focus on Energy Trade Ally Spotlight Recognition 

Greenfield, Wis. — Aug. 11, 2015 — Focus on Energy, Wisconsin utilities’ statewide program for energy efficiency and renewable energy, recently honored All Lighting, Inc. with a 2015 Focus on Energy Trade Ally Recognition Award for displaying an outstanding commitment to the energy efficiency practice.

Focus on Energy is Wisconsin utilities’ statewide energy efficiency and renewable resource program. Since 2001, the program has worked with eligible Wisconsin residents and businesses to install cost-effective energy efficiency and renewable-energy projects.

All Lighting, Inc., based in Greenfield, Wis., originally started in 1979 as a Norelco distributorship wholly owned by Phillips Lighting before being sold to private investors and changing the company name in 1983. 

All Lighting was one of the first trade allies to jump on board with the Focus on Energy program. The company saw the benefits of the program and realized how to use it to its advantage. All Lighting also saw the ability to use Focus on Energy incentives to help close its sales and pave the way for new projects.

Not only does All Lighting use Focus on Energy to help save its customers money, it also helps with the incentive paper work to take the burden off the customer. All Lighting has been, and continues to be, a prime example of an outstanding Trade Ally.

“On behalf of the Focus on Energy team, we congratulate All Lighting, Inc.,” said Travis Jones, Trade Ally manager for Focus on Energy.  “They have been an outstanding Focus on Energy partner and we look forward to working with them in the future.”

For more information on all the awardees, visit the Focus on Energy Trade Ally Spotlight page.



Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 8/12/2015

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