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Aeroseal: Company's HomeSeal Duct-Sealing Technology Wins Innovation Award


Orlando, Fla. — Jan. 27, 2016 — At the recent AHR Expo, Aeroseal’s HomeSeal duct-sealing technology was announced as the winner of the 2016 AHR Expo Innovation Awards “product of the year” accolade.

“We are pleased to honor Aeroseal with this award, recognizing that it offers a groundbreaking solution to an industry-wide problem,” said Clay Stevens, president, International Exposition Company (IEC). “For decades, ventilation issues have gone untreated, simply because there was no viable solution to sealing otherwise hard-to-access leaks. Aeroseal’s technology has taken this complex issue and made it into a relatively simple task."

HomeSeal is an alternative to traditional manual duct-sealing products.  The aerosol-based solution works from the inside of ventilation shafts to “seek” and bond-seal targeted leaks, rather than coating the entire inside of the shaft with sealant.

The technology was developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy, EPA, and others.

Aeroseal’s solution, which eliminates the need to disrupt or destroy current construction, provides much-anticipated relief to HVAC contractors, for whom accessing exhaust shafts in existing buildings was previously difficult, if not impossible, without major demolition. The duct-sealing technology has been employed to fix critical ventilation issues in numerous buildings and facilities, including hospitals and multi-story apartment buildings. 

Additionally, “Almost every home in the United States has residential duct leakage that keeps as much as 30 percent of air in a given home out of occupied spaces,” said Neal Walsh, senior vice president of strategy and commercial sales, Aeroseal. “This results in a huge loss of energy, but until now solving the problem has typically required major disruption to home interiors. Our technology allows a contractor to seal up duct work that’s already been installed, improving both comfort and energy savings."

For more information, visit www.aeroseal.com.

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 2/4/2016

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