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ACEEE: Trump Administration's Proposed Budget-The Gory Details

The Trump Administration seeks crippling cuts to programs that accomplish the very goals of the proposed 2018 budget: jobs, economic growth, international competitiveness, and putting taxpayers first.

Federal energy efficiency programs help bring back American manufacturing so it can compete globally, create domestic jobs by fixing market failures such as split incentives and poor information, and transform waste into wealth by putting dollars back into the economy through fuel savings. They help taxpayers pay their bills, and some even directly decrease federal spending while creating jobs. These programs support the largest job creator in the US energy sector - energy efficiency - which accounts for at least 2.2. million jobs.

We appreciate the budgetary goals of creating jobs, generating wealth, and putting the taxpayer first. But cutting energy efficiency programs does the opposite.

For example, the budget proposal would shutter programs such as ENERGY STAR and weatherization assistance that help consumers and families save money on their energy bills. It would eliminate programs such as the Industrial Assessment Centers and SmartWay that help small businesses reduce costs and that provide workforce training. It would also end programs such as the State Energy Program and TIGER grants that help state and local governments improve resilience and infrastructure...

To continue reading this blog post, visit: http://aceee.org/blog/2017/05/making-america-inefficient-budget-s

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 5/25/2017

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