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ACEE: Congress Takes Promising Step on Budget

We welcome the new Congressional budget deal as a promising sign of bipartisan cooperation. The deal maintains funding for essential programs that work with the private sector to create jobs, spur economic growth, and transform energy waste into wealth.

It will continue essential work done by the Department of Energy (DOE), including these programs: Building Technologies Office, which has helped the average household save almost $500 a year in energy costs through appliance standards; Advanced Manufacturing Office, which develops new products and markets that boost the competitiveness of American businesses; Weatherization Assistance Program, which provides thousands of skilled construction jobs via home energy upgrades for low-income families; the State Energy Program, which supports efficiency programs within the states, with broad state discretion; the Vehicle Technologies Office, which develops fuel efficiency technologies and better batteries; and the Federal Energy Management Program, which saves taxpayer dollars by lowering the federal government's energy bills.

The deal also avoids deep cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency. As a result, the popular ENERGY STAR program that helps consumers pick efficient appliances is unlikely to see significant cuts this fiscal year.

We urge Congress to continue to include such funding for these programs as it begins consideration of the Fiscal Year 2018 budget later this month.

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 5/3/2017

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