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AAMA: Group Releases Updated Guide for Certifying Emergency Exit Doors, Sliding Doors, More


Schaumburg, Ill. — Dec. 14, 2015 — The American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) has revised and updated the procedural guide for certification of manufactured home fenestration products.

AAMA 104-15, Procedural Guide for Certification of Manufactured Home Fenestration Products: Windows/Sliding Doors, Emergency Exit Windows and Devices, Swinging Exterior Passage Doors, lays out the process for certifying these products through the AAMA program.

“The impetus for changing the document was multi-fold,” said Rob Luter (Lippert Components), chair of the AAMA 104 Re-Write Work Group. “It had not been updated in many years and failed to address the nuances of the program as it was being administered; it failed to provide direction to the Administrator/Validator in some cases, allowing for subjective decision making; and it lacked content that would qualify the program for ANSI accreditation.”

Luter said the work group used the recently revised AAMA 103 procedural guide (for certifying window, door, and skylight assemblies) as a model in re-writing the AAMA 104 document to address these issues.

“We expect ANSI Accreditation for the program early in 2016, solidifying the AAMA program as the leading industry certification program for fenestration used in HUD code Manufactured Housing,” Luter said.

The Manufactured Home Fenestration Products Certification Program is a third-party product testing and quality-control verification program sponsored by AAMA. The AAMA-sponsored Certification Label or Mark is a sign that products bearing it conform to the designated specifications. Products are not certified unless and until they are labeled or marked in accordance with this document.

AAMA 104-15, as well as other AAMA documents, may be purchased from AAMA’s Publication Store.


Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 12/17/2015

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