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AAMA: Group Releases New Comparison of Condensation Ratings Systems for Fenestration Document


Schaumburg, Ill. — Aug. 31, 2015 — The American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) has created and released a new document laying out comparisons among three different rating systems for condensation on interior surfaces of fenestration products.

While root causes vary with climate and occupancy, the formation of condensation on these surfaces in winter months is deemed problematic in almost all modern buildings. This document addresses some of the common causes and the technical issues related to condensation. It also offers a comparison of the tools available for rating fenestration systems for condensation resistance.

“This new AAMA document was developed to provide a single reference source on the three common condensation rating systems for the U.S. and Canada,” said Doug Holmberg (Apogee Enterprises, Inc.), co-chair of the Condensation Ratings Comparison Task Group. “It also provides information on how each rating is calculated for comparing the condensation resistance of products and the differences in the rating systems.”

Steve Strawn (JELD-WEN), co-chair of the Condensation Ratings Comparison Task Group, added that window condensation ratings can be difficult to understand, and that the question has been further complicated by the use of different methods to rate condensation resistance.

“We have attempted to summarize through this document how each of the ratings are calculated and will remind the reader that the results are not directly comparable,” he said. “When comparing products side by side, specifiers should ensure that they are comparing products that have used the same condensation rating method.”

AAMA CRS-15, as well as other AAMA documents, may be purchased from AAMA’s Publication Store. For more information, visit http://www.aamanet.org/.


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