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Midmark Tabletop Sterilizers Updated

Midmark Corp., a leading medical solutions provider for ambulatory care, today announced an update to the Ritter M9 and M11 Steam Sterilizers, a line of tabletop sterilizers designed to be safe and dependable. The stainless-steel construction and third-party ASME certification of these sterilizers help contain contamination and maximize the efficiency of instrument cleaning and sterilization processes.

“In order for instrument processing equipment to be effective, it must be simple to use and maintain while also helping the user adhere to proper instrument processing protocols,” said Kurt Forsthoefel, director of medical marketing, Midmark. “The Midmark line of updated steam sterilizers provides the solid foundation practices need for worry-free infection prevention measures in their facility.”

The sterilizer cycle times have been updated to align with FDA recommended 4-minute standard cycles— this aligns with most process challenge devices. The sterilizers have improved drying capabilities, are available in a new color and include a pouch rack. The optional printer accessory has been updated to a quiet thermal printer. 

Midmark designers help reduce bottlenecks and optimize instrument workflow to ensure customers meet the busy demands of their practices. The Midmark team considers the many ways space and workflow design will drive efficiencies in instrument processing centers.

For more information about Midmark instrument processing equipment, visit midmark.com.

Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 10/4/2019

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