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Exmark: Company Launches Spreader-Sprayer YouTube Video Series


Beatrice, Neb. — Dec. 11, 2015 — Exmark announced it has launched a new seven-video series on its YouTube channel discussing the company’s stand-on Spreader-Sprayer.

The videos are intended to give landscape maintenance professionals a better understanding of the productivity the machine can deliver, and help current Spreader-Sprayer owners calibrate and operate their machines more effectively.

Exmark Director of Marketing Daryn Walters said the videos are a great way to introduce the Spreader-Sprayer’s innovations.

“Aside from an in-person demo, video is the next best way to illustrate the effectiveness and productivity of the Exmark Spreader-Sprayer. Once you see the machine in action, it’s easy to see the value of its innovations.”

In the first three videos, Kent Harlan, owner of Kent’s Lawn Service in Beatrice Neb., introduces the Exmark Spreader-Sprayer. Harlan demonstrates how he uses the machine to deliver a higher quality of service to his customers and do it more efficiently than is possible using other equipment. He also discusses the routine maintenance he performs on the machine to maintain peak productivity.

The remaining four videos are intended to educate current Exmark Spreader-Sprayer users on calibration and operation of the spray and spread systems, as well as maintenance procedures to maximize the durability and long-term value of the machine.

Walters said the videos address the most common questions the company receives from users. 

To view the new Spreader Sprayer videos, visit the Exmark YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/user/ExmarkManufacturing.

Exmark Manufacturing was incorporated in 1982 as an independent manufacturer of professional turf care equipment. Today, it is the leading manufacturer of commercial mowers and equipment for the landscape professional. Learn more at Exmark.com.


Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 12/17/2015

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