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Schneider Electric: New Data Reveals Data Center Manager Leadership Styles


Oct. 28, 2015 — With the Internet of Things and Big Data demand bringing the data center to the forefront of business operations, the data center manager is being seen as a critical role that extends beyond IT and into every facet of an organization’s success.  As with any seasoned professional, experienced data center managers will form their own management styles to ensure that their teams — and data centers — are running at an optimal level.

Based on the Ten Item Personality Measure, Schneider Electric recently developed a personality assessment focused on data center managers to help them identify their management style. To date, nearly 250 data center managers and related roles have participated in the “Data Center Manager Personality Test” to better understand if they’re a “Go-getter,” “Quantifier,” “Rock,” “Reformer,” or “Collaborator.”  

Key results from the assessment include:

Optimism reigns in the data center: 33 percent of respondents identified as a “Go-Getter,” outranking any other personality type.

Self-sufficiency is important, too: Just 10 percent of respondents were outright “Collaborators,” while 80 percent rejected the need for direct supervision.

Heads rule hearts in the data center (number crunchers by nature): Over half (57 percent) reject technologies that are not tried, tested, and proven. Additionally, the majority (68 percent) of data center managers base decisions on statistics and enjoy the process of collating evidence.

Changing times in the data center: Upgrade planning occupies the vast majority of data center managers’ time and more than two thirds are planning an overhaul or a significant upgrade in the near future.

Empathy as standard: 70 percent see it as part of their role to educate others across the business on complex technical challenges.

For a slideshow with additional findings, click here.



Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 11/10/2015

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