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Spec-Rite Designs: Company Does Custom Bathroom Project for Canadian Casino


Aug. 7, 2015 — Spec-Rite Designs recently worked with Club Regent Casino in Winnipeg, Manitoba, to design and fabricate a series of custom-routered, ceiling-hung partition systems for the bathrooms in the facility.

The partitions feature a floral design pattern that continues across multiple doors and pilasters of the installation. The project is unique in its scope and customization.

In addition to their striking visual appeal, these solid phenolic partition systems are resistant to dents, scratches, impacts, and graffiti as well as non-microbial in order to restrict the growth and spread of bacteria.

Another unique aspect of the installation is the partitions' zero-sight-line system which provides maximum privacy for occupants.

Upon witnessing the results of the installation, the casino agreed to move on to phase 2 of its renovations with additional partitions from Spec-Rite Designs.

For more information about the company, visit http://www.specritedesigns.com/.


Contact FacilitiesNet Editorial Staff »   posted on: 8/12/2015

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