
Building Operating Management
In California, 2024 Looms Large for Facility ManagersThe California Cooling Act aims to cut harmful hydrofluorocarbon emissions 40 percent by 2030. It also prohibits certain HFCs in chillers beginning in 2024.

Facility Maintenance Decisions
Effective Training is Key to MEWP SuccessOperator error is the main cause of MEWP accidents, highlighting the importance of proper training and certification of operators.

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CPVC Saves Money, Ensures Reliability for Fire Protection Systems

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Will 2021 Bring a Return to The Office?

Facility Maintenance Decisions
Planning Restroom Upgrades in the COVID-19 EraHere's how to rethink products and projects to meet evolving user expectations.

fnPrime Exclusive
HVAC’s Role In Preventing The Spread Of COVID-19
As employees return to work, the HVAC system needs to be part of a safe and healthy environment

Building Operating Management
A New Perspective: Facilities and InclusionSpaces within a facility often, though subtly, play a direct role in discussions of social justice.

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$20 Billion Development Near Chicago’s Soldier Field Faces Hurdles

Building Operating Management
Alternative Refrigerants: What Can Facility Managers Do?Five strategies can help reduce the impact of refrigerants on the environment.

fnPrime Exclusive
The Biggest Threats To Critical Facilities
From climate change to untested new materials, take 10 minutes to learn how to combat some of the biggest threats to your facility

Facility Maintenance Decisions
Touchless Doors Strategies to Slow the Spread of CoronavirusTouchless technologies like wave-to-open switches and personalized keycards or credentials at entryways are important strategies for keeping occupants safe.

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Bees Move Into Vacant Tech Firm’s Space

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Denver Airport Criticized for Deferred Maintenance

Facility Maintenance Decisions
4 Steps to Creating an Action Plan for Asset InventoryDefining a detailed action plan sets the tone for an asset inventory project. Here are some specific steps to get there.

fnPrime Exclusive
The Future of Retail Facilities: Surviving Post-COVID
This short video explains the challenges and opportunities awaiting malls, stores and restaurants

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President Biden Issues Executive Order on Worker Health and Safety