
IP Security Camera Benefits

  March 19, 2009

For those facility executives who haven't touched their security system in years, it may be time to consider upgrading to an IP security camera system. Compared to an analog system, an IP security camera produces better images, higher resolution and has more flexibility than analog cameras. And that's just for starters.

Because IP cameras store the images they capture on a server, users can e-mail video images to anyone in the organization for further consultation. With old analog cameras, security staff is forced to watch a wall of monitors to determine if a security breach is occurring. It doesn't take long for attention to wane when staring at a wall of monitors — a factor that can quickly compromise a security system.

But the benefits come with a cost. One of concern many managers have is whether the backbone of their network can handle the large increase in bandwidth required. But many managers realize that operational benefits of an integrated IP system can justify the investment to make sure the backbone can handle the added bandwidth.


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