
CCTV security monitoring student in classroom at school

Grants Pay for School Security Upgrades

  December 11, 2018

By Ryan Berlin

Maintenance and engineering managers never take school security lightly. Looking for new ways to keep students and staff safe and secure is at or near the top of every manager’s priority list. But finding the funding to implement security measures can be tough.

Cabell County Schools in Huntington, W.V., is a typical example of the challenges managers face— and the solutions some are finding. The district has received a $60,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to install new video cameras at four elementary schools and two high schools.

None of the four elementary schools have video cameras inside the building. The grant will allow for 16-18 new cameras at each location and will modernize the existing network at the high schools, according to The Huntington Herald-Dispatch.

The updated camera systems will allow staff to remotely view inside each school, says Jedd Flowers, the schools’ director of communications. The cameras are expected to be installed over the winter.

The school board also voted to move forward with the construction of man-trap double-doors at two elementary schools, which are smaller and older and do not have double-doored main entrances, which are designed to be remotely locked and keep out intruders. Cabell County Schools were granted $256,000 in state funds by the School Building Authority in June for the new secure entrances at the two schools. The county will contribute an additional $827,000 to complete the projects.

Ryan Berlin is managing editor of Facility Maintenance Decisions.


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