
Chicago Airport Police Instructed to Run and Hide in Active Shooter Situations

  January 21, 2016

It’s unusual to hear that police officers are instructed to run and hide if an active shooter situation breaks out. But that is the protocol at Chicago airports O’Hare and Midway.

CNN uncovered internal aviation documents that officers are instructed, “If evacuation is not possible: hide,” and then lock doors, turn off lights, and remain quiet and calm.

According to the CNN report, about 300 aviation police officers at the airports are certified police officers in Illinois, but not authorized to carry firearms in airports. Only Chicago Police Department officers can be armed.

“I’ve never heard of anything so crazy,” says Wayne Black, a security expert based in Miami. “The concept in a post-9/11 world of having sworn law enforcement officers unarmed at an airport, not being able to take direct action — I don’t know what they’re thinking.”

This Quick Read was submitted by Dave Lubach, Associate Editor, Facility Maintenance Decisions.

For more on security issues affecting facilities, see: www.facilitiesnet.com/security


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