Key Considerations when Enhancing Access Control Programs

When specifying systems, facility executives must ensure needs match ROI.

By Maura Keller, Contributing Writer  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: New-Age Access Control Strategies Include AI, Cloud and Biometrics TechnologiesPt. 2: This Page

Facility executives looking to enhance their access control technologies say it’s important to understand a facility’s risks, vulnerabilities, and any applicable accreditation or regulatory agency requirements that must be met.  

“Know your personnel and financial capabilities as an organization to deploy, manage, and maintain access control technologies,” Freeny says. “Determine the desired outcomes from deploying access control technologies and how those outcomes will achieve your return on investment. Engage physical security professionals to assist.”  

Managers want to be able to adjust deployed systems to fit the needs of the facility and make modifications once deployed. The software application must allow for ease of customization and new staff on boarding to be effective.  

“The system also must be expandableand modular requiring flexibility with device placement and repair,” Harper says. “The systemmust demonstrate ease of integration with surveillance and access systems.” 

Occupant safety is a priority and facility executives can’t afford downtime with their access control systems. Look for devices that can be repaired or replaced without lengthy lead times or limited manufacturer specific trained staff who cannot respond quickly to down systems, says Harper 

As with most products, facility executives will be limited by cost and budgets, which will impact selection.  

“In many cases a facility manager is limited to an annual budget restricting flexibility in deploying commercial grade systems. I would highly recommend not going with quantity over quality. Many lower grade access control systems might have low-cost devices in comparison with more commercialgrade systems but expanding those systems has limitations and cost escalators that do not enjoy the support the larger manufacturers provide.” 

Harper recommends that facility managers always look at floor plans and engage a security consultant to review threats and vulnerabilities before deploying an access control system.  

“This allows a more logical approach towards deployment free of manufacturer driven integratorsdeploying devices based on the sale rather than a true analysis of security posture,” he says.  

Future trends 

Access control manufacturers will continue to increase their cloud and mobile application offerings for a more flexible user experience. Freeny says a great example is the increased adoption of mobile credentialing for convenience, especially for students within educational institutions and for guests within establishments that process a significant number of visitors.  

“These offerings are becoming more robust, thus replacing legacy desktop clients. Cybersecurity enhancements to access control hardware and software will continue to be deployed to meet the federal government’s evolving standards along with those set by private sector data governance policies,” Freeny says. 

Other access control trends are continuingto lead towards security integration with other systems –a reportingplatformthat’s able to manage door alerts and align with local surveillance or intrusion systems providing a true network capability.  

“This includes specificsurveillance camera time stamping of entry at specific doors and exit as well as door position switches in the intrusion system providing alerts if the specific door is breached or propped open,” Harper says.  

It’s important to select an access control system that can integrate with other systems in the facility, ensuring a facility manager balances security needs and budget needs, while integrating a user-friendly system, says Braverman.  

“Ensure the employees that are working with the systems are well trained and know the security risks. Also ensure all your other employees are trained in the use of the system,” Braverman says. “Work with the vendor to ensure the product you are purchasing does work in your facility the way it should.” 

Maura Keller is a freelance writer based in Plymouth, Minnesota. 

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New-Age Access Control Strategies Include AI, Cloud and Biometrics Technologies

Key Considerations when Enhancing Access Control Programs

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  posted on 2/10/2025   Article Use Policy

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