
INFOGRAPHIC: School Safety Strategies

INFOGRAPHIC: School Safety Strategies

A look at what measures schools already have in place for security and safety.

By Naomi Millán, Senior Editor  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: 4 Steps Lead To Safer, More Secure SchoolsPt. 2: This Page

These days, safety and security at schools are scrutinized intensely. What measures are already in place? For one, according to data from the National Association of Education Statistics, a vast majority of schools have a written plan for an active shooter. And the percentage of schools who have security cameras and control access has increased dramatically over the last several years. Here's more:

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4 Steps Lead To Safer, More Secure Schools

INFOGRAPHIC: School Safety Strategies

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  posted on 7/13/2017   Article Use Policy

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