
Homeland Security Department Launches New Coordinating Council to Support Infrastructure Protection Mission

A new group formed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) aims to ensure State, local, tribal, and territorial government representatives are fully integrated as active participants in ongoing efforts to protect the nation's critical infrastructure and key resources.

By CP Editorial Staff  

A new group formed by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) aims to ensure State, local, tribal, and territorial government representatives are fully integrated as active participants in ongoing efforts to protect the nation's critical infrastructure and key resources.

Called the State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Government Coordinating Council (SLTTGCC) the plan is a key component of the Department’s unified approach to protecting the Nation’s critical infrastructure and key resources outlined in the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, says Robert B. Stephan, DHS assistant secretary for Infrastructure Protection.
“The formation of the SLTTGCC underscores the importance of bringing all the relevant public and private partners to the critical infrastructure protection table at once.” SLTTGCC Chairman Colonel (P) Michael McDaniel, Homeland Security Advisor for the State of Michigan, says. “This group provides a needed and educated voice to the Sector Partnership Framework that is a vital element of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP), and it highlights DHS’ dedication to broadening the critical infrastructure protection landscape.”  

The SLTTGCC is fully engaged with NIPP implementation priorities, having recently reviewed the 17 Sector Specific Plans as well as participating in the Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council Plenary Session this month.  SLTTGCC is also intended to provide an organizational structure to coordinate across jurisdictions on CI/KR-related State- and local-level guidance, strategies and programs.
SLTTGCC functions, include:
—Providing senior-level, cross jurisdictional strategic communications and coordination through the partnership with DHS, the Sector-Specific Agencies (SSAs), and private sector owners and operators;
—Participating in planning efforts related to the development, implementation, update, and revision of the NIPP Base Plan and Sector-Specific Plans (SSPs);
—Coordinating strategic issues and issue management resolution among State, local, tribal, and territorial security partners;
—Coordinating with DHS, SSAs and other security partners to support efforts to plan, implement, and execute the nation’s CI/KR protection; and
—Providing DHS, SSAs and other security partners with information on State-, local-, tribal-, and territorial-level CI/KR protection initiatives, activities, and effective practices.
The SLTTGCC includes up to 30 members who bring geographical diversity and broad disciplinary representation of recognized leaders in homeland security and critical infrastructure protection. Qualifications for the SLTTGCC require members to be Senior-level State, local, tribal, or territorial homeland security officials or equivalent with strategic oversight responsibilities related to critical infrastructure protection.  
For additional information about the SLTTGCC, its members, membership criteria, Working Groups, and more, please contact Chris McIlroy, at 703-235-5328; send an inquiry to NIPP@DHS.gov, or visit: http://www.dhs.gov/slttgcc.


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  posted on 7/31/2007   Article Use Policy

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