

Roof Replacement Yields Huge Energy Benefits: Study

  November 5, 2021

By Dave Lubach

Roof replacement projects not only keep institutional and commercial facilities dry and safe from the elements, they also can help facilities reduce energy use and carbon emissions, a recent study revealed. 

The Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association commissioned the study through consulting firm ICF International, showed that code-compliant levels of roof insulation installed above deck during a roof replacement project offers energy benefits. 

The study looked at buildings such as schools, retail stores, strip malls, and small office buildings. The buildings were located in ASHRAE Climate Zones 2-6 in the United States and Canada. The analysis found roof replacements: 

Are life-cycle economical under various conditions even when subjected to higher installation costs and discount rates. 

Support the transition to building electrification through a reduction in natural gas fossil fuel use and improvement in energy efficiency. 

Support building performance standards and carbon emissions reduction goals by offering a cost-effective tool to help building owners reduce energy use and lower carbon footprint. 

Annual energy saving examples in climate zones around the country, when buildings are equipped with code-compliant roofs, are estimated at: 

  • Atlanta -- 3-6% savings  
  • New York – 5-10% savings 
  • Chicago – 6-9% savings 

For more analysis, click here.  

Dave Lubach is managing editor, facility market. 


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