
Keep Good Records of Roof Conditions

  March 19, 2013

Recording roof conditions with photographs is important for documentation purposes, particularly for components still under warranty. That way, should concerns arise, visual evidence can support the written inspection report. If roof conditions call for more comprehensive evaluation, retain a design professional, usually an architect or engineer with experience in roof rehabilitation, to conduct a detailed investigation.

Routine roof inspections can serve as a starting point for establishing a storehouse of information on roof systems at your facility. On a regular basis, collect and update information on roof assemblies, such as:
  • Roof system type (e.g., modified bitumen, EPDM, TPO, copper, slate)
  • Manufacturer
  • Warranty period and coverage
  • Approximate area
  • Linear footage of perimeter flashing, coping, or gravel stops
  • Date of installation
  • Installer/contractor (if known)

Use a roof plan to log data for each roof area, along with a plan of the floor below the roof. Keeping a chart of information that corresponds to the roof plan simplifies recordkeeping by providing a visual depiction of the properties of each roof area.

As part of the data collection, make an effort to keep up-to-date records of maintenance and repair efforts. Such information enables accurate assessment of maintenance practices, and it may point to areas in need of rehabilitation or replacement. Such documentation may also be necessary for warranty coverage.

At least twice annually, review and update the roof log as part of the inspection process. In this way, you will maintain an up-to-date, at-a-glance reference that will streamline management of roof systems. For multi-building facilities or for buildings with many roof areas, such recordkeeping is particularly important to keeping tabs on roof conditions.


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