
About the Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing (CEIR)

OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Roofs at the Green FrontierPt. 2: LEED Principle: Stormwater Management and RoofingPt. 3: LEED Principle: Urban Heat Island Mitigation and RoofingPt. 4: LEED Principle: Alternative Energy Production and RoofingPt. 5: This Page

Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the Center for Environmental Innovation in Roofing (CEIR) is dedicated to promoting the development and use of roof systems that save energy and reduce the environmental impact of roofing material life cycles. It also advocates innovation through collaboration between all roofing stakeholders.

The Center serves as a clearinghouse for information pertaining to energy, the environment and roofing. By coordinating and encouraging objective research, it serves as a link between academia and industry, and provides a forum for ongoing peer review of such research.

In addition to educating the market on the array of options available in high-performance roof systems, the Center focuses on public policy issues, informing policy makers about the opportunities available in high-performance buildings to positively impact health, safety, welfare and the economy. Policy efforts include science-based advocacy on behalf of the industry to ensure a favorable market climate for energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies. The Center also works to safeguard jurisdiction to ensure new roofing products, systems and services remain within the sphere of the roofing industry, and helps to coordinate standards and codes, both in the United States and abroad.

For more information about the Center, go to www.roofingcenter.org or contact Craig Silvertooth, the Center’s executive director, at (866) 928-CEIR.

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  posted on 7/2/2009   Article Use Policy

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