
Facility Maintenance Decisions
Sustainability: Eye on EmissionsAdvances in technologies designed to protect the environment give managers more tools to achieve performance and bottom-line goals.

Facility Maintenance Decisions
Sustainability: Focus on Fuel and Noise ReductionAdvances in technologies designed to protect the environment give managers more tools to achieve performance and bottom-line goals.

Facility Maintenance Decisions
Sustainability: Beyond Emissions, Fuel and NoiseAdvances in technologies designed to protect the environment give managers more tools to achieve performance and bottom-line goals.

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Five Years After Sandy, NYC Hospitals May Be Ready for the Next Big Storm

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Plumbing for NYC Park Structure Behind Schedule

Safety and Security at Work: Three Areas to Address

Building Operating Management
Is Now The Time To Invest In New Technology?With so much exciting new facility technology available, perhaps it's best to think big, but start small.

Building Operating Management
New Data Center Energy Certification Takes Center State At Critical Facilities SummitThe Data Center Energy Practitioner (DCEP) program teaches users how to show results and prove how much energy is being saved.

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Lighting Spotlight: Resources for Health Care Challenges

Building Operating Management
4 Questions To Ask Before Buying a New BASAn obsolete building automation systems can cost you time and money, but make sure you know what you want and what you'll get when you're ready for an upgrade.

fnPrime Exclusive
Using Efficiency to Afford Improved Indoor Environmental Quality

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Engineers Battle 143-ton Fatberg in London Sewer

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Cooling in a Crisis

Getting There from Here

Facility Maintenance Decisions
4 Keys to Successful Plumbing System UpgradesBy focusing on more products and goals, managers can improve water savings, system reliability and user comfort.

Facility Maintenance Decisions
Plumbing Systems: Flush Fixture UpgradesTankless-toilet upgrades and retrofit kits can help conserve water usage in commercial and institutional facilities

Facility Maintenance Decisions
New ASTM Standard Aims to Improve Restroom SafetyThe new ASTM International Standard, C1822, is designed to help improve safety of public bathrooms for people with disabilities.

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OSHA Offers Mobile Guide to Training Standards

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Automated Demand-Response Gaining Momentum

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Yale University Law School Seeks Gender-Neutral Restrooms

Building Operating Management
Is New HVAC Technology Worth The Money?Tips: Don't limit economic analysis to first costs and be sure the new technology is suitable for your particular building.

Building Operating Management
Schedule and Performance Analysis: Keys To Weighing HVAC UpgradesPotential energy savings alone may not make a new system the best choice: Consider schedule disruptions, features and benefits, the reputation of the manufacturer, and long-term operating efficiency.

Building Operating Management
INFOGRAPHIC: Stretching the ROI For Energy EfficiencyOrganizations are increasingly doing away with hard-and-fast ROI rules, especially for energy efficiency upgrades.

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Hurricane-resistant Roofs Detailed in Resilience Standard

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Most Hospital Surveys This Year Show Trouble with Certain Fire Hazard Provisions