
Building Operating Management
For Construction Projects, Be Sure to Check the SpecA crucial part of a facility manager’s job is to ensure that the specifications documents are accurate. Here’s a case study at a highly specialized facility that can serve as a cautionary tale.

Bell & Gossett: ecocir 20-18

Birchwood Lighting: BWA25

Building Operating Management
Understanding How a Packaged Rooftop Unit WorksThis short video shows the major components for both the cooling and heating operations in packaged rooftop units.

Building Operating Management
10 Steps to Creating Proactive Facilities Maintenance Move facilities management and maintenance from reactive to proactive with these best practices.

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OSHA Issues Fines, Citations Over Arm Amputation at Postal Center

BuzziSpace: BuzziRugs

Building Operating Management
High-Performance Exteriors Provide Long-Term Energy EfficiencyPay close attention to how building enclosure systems intersect. Mistakes at transitions can result in energy inefficiency and premature failure of individual elements.

fnPrime Exclusive
2022 Facility Management Predictions
A look at some of the trends affecting FMs in 2022, including Internet of Things, COVID-19, hybrid workplaces and sustainability

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Legislature to Require Condominium Inspections Fails in Florida

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Case Study: Denver Broncos Stadium Updates Bathroom Fixtures, Sees Water Savings

PVI: Centurion

Staging Concepts: Caprice

Building Operating Management
Embrace Change: How to Leave Legacy Systems BehindIn this preview of his NFMT 2022 session, John Rimer explains why the way to embrace change management is to have employees involved every step of the way.

Facility Maintenance Decisions
Wisconsin Elementary School Achieves Net-Zero EnergyHere's how Forest Edge Elementary School used a combination of innovative deep energy efficiency and renewable energy strategies to achieve net-zero energy.

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Healthy and Green: Facility Achieves Fitwel and LEED Certification

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Federal Funding Law Aids Building Resilience, Energy Efficiency, Safety

Eemax: ProSeries XTP

ETC: Garibaldi Pro

Building Operating Management
Why a Facility Master Plan Is Crucial to Long-Term Proactive MaintenanceCreating facility master plans, long-term OpEx and CapEx plans, and creating KPIs to measure your success are all important steps for moving maintenance from reactive to proactive.

Building Operating Management
How to Design the Post-Covid ClassroomA recent survey illustrated how school facilities strategies are shifting as a result of the pandemic.

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GSA Seeks To Cut Emissions from Building Materials

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Survey: 25 Percent Decrease in Handwashing as Pandemic Continues