
Color and Organizational Branding

By Lacey Muszynski, Assistant Editor  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Tips to Smooth Interior Paint SelectionPt. 2: The Color Wheel ExplainedPt. 3: This Page

Organizations often spend lots of time and money on their branding — portraying themselves with a specific image. A trendy Internet startup organization may have a logo, style and image that portrays energy, speed and technology, for example. That brand image should carry through to an organization’s facility, and color can help do that.

A logical place to find inspiration is the organization’s logo. Facility executives can use the color scheme of the logo as a jumping off point for the color scheme of the facility. But it’s important to keep things in perspective. If that same Internet startup uses a lot of lime green in the logo, it’s probably best to use that color only as an accent, or tone the color down.

“Typically, if a company has a brand color, you don’t use the same kind of saturation in the environment,” says Dana Jenkins, design director at Gensler. “Usually, you dilute it in some way, by adding black, gray or white, or change the intensity. That way, you have the feeling of the brand color, but it’s more livable.”

Continue Reading: Colorful Ideas

Tips to Smooth Interior Paint Selection

The Color Wheel Explained

Color and Organizational Branding

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  posted on 10/1/2008   Article Use Policy

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