
When Considering Outsourcing, Know Your Motives

  December 16, 2008

One of the steps to take before outsourcing facility management services is to define the core and non-core facility management functions. Non-core functions do not typically directly feed in to the corporate mission and could be performed by an external provider. One way to determine if something is a non-core function is to ask how customers would feel if a service was not performed in-house. If the response is likely to be neutral, the service can be outsourced. Before moving to outsourcing, be sure to understand the rationale for doing so. One motive might be that facilities management is not a core function of the organization. Also, facilities management best practices might be desired, which are more likely to be delivered by a provider exposed to a competitive marketplace. The company might need a workforce that can expand and contract as needed, or the outsourced-provider can offer value-added services, which specific customer units might need but which are not provided by the in-house facilities team.


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