
Take Care of Your Team

outsourced facilities management, praise   February 28, 2008

In many organizations, the facilities management function is outsourced. Housed in their client's building, steeped in the client's culture, it can be easy for facilities management team to feel more closely allied to the client's company than their own. However, as with any service, a termination clause in the service contract could end that relationship quickly. This can make some in the facilities team feel slightly disposable. As your team works hard to meet and exceed the service level expectations of the contract, make sure to recognize their efforts and achievements. This could be as simple as pausing to praise good work during a conference call or a more formalized recognition procedure with nominations and perhaps even awards. With a shaky national financial market looming, it's never certain what decisions a client will have to make, but simply taking the time to thank your team for their good work will go a long ways to boost morale and make them feel like key players.


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