
magpie bird's nest

Birds Use Anti-Bird Architecture to Build New Nests

Anti-bird spikes have been found to support nests.   July 19, 2023

By Mackenna Moralez, Associate Editor

Outside a hospital in Antwerp, Belgium, a bird's nest was found to have thin metal rods sticking out in every direction, The New York Times reports

Anti-bird architecture has become commonplace within urban cities. These sharp metal pins and poles have been installed on rooftops and ledges to discourage birds from perching or nesting on buildings, but now they have found a way to convert the installations to larger news, The New York Times reports. 

According to a study published in Deinsea, magpies and crows have been the culprits of creating nests from anti-bird spikes. According to The New York Times, magpies often build domed nests, assembling thorny branches into roofs that protect against predators. They were able to utilize the anti-bird spikes for the same purpose, utilizing them as a spiky nest cover. On the other hand, the crows used the spikes in the interior of the nest. It is predicted that utilizing the spikes this way provides more structural support, however, the idea remains unproven.  

Still, it is unclear whether the birds are using the spikes because they are available or whether they are better suited from protection than natural materials are.  

Mackenna Moralez is the associate editor for the facilities market.  


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