
Department Champion Builds Support for Maintenance, Operations

By Chris Matt, Managing Editor - Print & E-Media  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Maintenance Solutions Achievement Awards Winners AnnouncedPt. 2: This Page

Hey, maintenance and engineering managers, who has your back? Have you identified an individual who will fight for your department's ideas, goals and initiatives?

If not, now is as good a time as any. Designating a maintenance and engineering champion can enhance the image of your operation in-house and help make the case for projects and initiatives that impact various departments in the organization.

Many commercial and institutional facilities operate in silos, so these projects affect departments that often do not understand the position of the maintenance and engineering department or its objectives. But a champion who can explain — and defend, if needed — the department's position goes a long way in building widespread support.

While some departments might have one champion who acts as the lead communicator and maintenance and engineering salesperson, other organizations might need several champions for specific initiatives.

For example, if someone on your staff is passionate about energy-conservation measures, he or she might be the ideal champion for your upcoming retrocommissioning project. If another staff member is a LEED Accredited Professional, and if green building certification is in your future, you've found a champion.

As your champion likely will find out, breaking down silos will not happen overnight. Each group within the organization has specific goals, and with budgets tighter than ever, your department will not be the only one with a champion fighting for those funds.

But identifying an individual who can clearly articulate your department's position is an important step in defending and promoting your operation. It's always good to have someone watching your back.

Chris Matt offers insights gleaned from conversations with managers who make key maintenance and engineering decisions in commercial and institutional facilities.

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Maintenance Solutions Achievement Awards Winners Announced

Department Champion Builds Support for Maintenance, Operations

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  posted on 9/3/2010   Article Use Policy

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