The past few months have been trying times containing many challenges and changes for everyone. However, with so many of the changes and challenges affecting the built environment, facilities managers can use this tumultuous time to ensure the safety and security of the assets within the organization. Join us for a half-day virtual summit where we gather to discuss, peer-to-peer, how to ensure you take advantage of the current changes to make impactful changes in your team and your organization.
The current level of uncertainty will take a toll on your team. A strong leader will help navigate these uncertain times with empathy and appreciation. Whether you team is in the building every day or still working remotely, our panel will discuss best practices for keeping your team motivated and engaged.
The important work facilities managers do to keep occupants safe in the building has never been highlighted more than it is currently. But facility managers have had to learn a lot and possibly leverage new skills as well. Our panelists will discuss how to use this moment to optimize learning, gain critical knowledge, and best-position themselves for success post-pandemic.
In order to respond to the pandemic and continue providing necessary services, facility managers have made creative choices and innovated their processes. Some of these changes are likely to uncover best practices that will be followed into the future. Our panel will discuss how pandemic response has changed facility management and created new opportunities in operations.
Manager, Event and Tenant Services, Maryland Stadium Authority
Facilities Manager, PA Turnpike Commission
Principal, FM Transitions