
SIDEBAR: Overcoming Privacy Concerns With Network Lighting Systems

SIDEBAR: Overcoming Privacy Concerns With Network Lighting Systems

Part 3 of a 3-part article explaining the synergy between LEDs and the Building IoT.

By Naomi Millán, Senior Editor  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: LEDs Are An Ideal Platform for the Building IoTPt. 2: Common IoT Applications for LED Lighting SystemsPt. 3: This Page

A networked lighting system that can provide audio, visual, and space use data is a huge boon to facility managers, but has the potential to leave some facility occupants feeling like they’re under constant surveillance. One way to get around this concern is to ensure that data is used in the aggregate, instead of being tagged to a particular user.

Another strategy is to sell building occupants on the fact that what they’re getting in return is much greater than what they’re giving up. “If you look at our digital lives and the way they’ve evolved, most people have voluntarily given up some privacy for significant benefits,” says Gary Trott, Cree vice president. He gives Uber as an example. “You’re letting Uber track you, but because of the benefit, you completely accept that. You give up something, but you’re getting something.”

He says that while there will always be people who are not going to be comfortable with certain aspects of the Building IoT, they are in the minority.

Continue Reading: Building IoT Part 5: LEDs

LEDs Are An Ideal Platform for the Building IoT

Common IoT Applications for LED Lighting Systems

SIDEBAR: Overcoming Privacy Concerns With Network Lighting Systems

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  posted on 8/12/2016   Article Use Policy

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