
Papers Explore Ballast Issues

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association's lighting systems division has published two papers addressing lighting issues

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) lighting systems division has published two papers addressing lighting issues.

LSD 37-2008, Effects of EPAct 2005 on Mercury Vapor Lamp Ballasts and Lighting Systems: Frequently Asked Questions summarizes the implications of the Energy Policy Act 2005 (EPAct 2005) on the availability of mercury vapor (MV) ballasts. As of Jan. 1, 2008, companies can no longer make MV ballasts or import them for sale in the United States. Manufacturers can sell existing inventories, but the ballasts will not be available after the depletion of existing stock.

LSD 43-2008 Luminaire Ballast Disconnects discusses recent U.S. and Canadian electrical-code changes requiring disconnects between certain luminaires and ballasts, as well as the effects of these changes on the industry.

Both LSD 37-2008 and LSD 43-2008 are available to download free.

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  posted on 4/9/2008   Article Use Policy

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