
NEMA Revises Standard for Double-Ended Metal Halide Lamps

A revised standard for double-ended metal halide lamps has been published by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA).

A revised standard for double-ended metal halide lamps has been published by the  National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA).
Standard ANSI_ANSLG C78.44-2008 sets forth the physical and electrical requirements for double-ended metal halide lamps operated on 60 Hz ballasts to ensure interchangeability and safety.
It also provides the basis for the electrical requirements for ballasts and ignitors, as well as the lamp-related requirements for luminaires. The standard includes lamps whose arc tubes are made of quartz or ceramic materials. Luminous flux and lamp color are not part of this standard.
This standard is a proposed revision and consolidation of ANSI C78.1385-1998, .1386-1998, .1387-1998, and ANSLG SR92-2002.

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  posted on 11/6/2008   Article Use Policy

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