
NEMA Publication Helps Determine Target Efficacy Rating for Luminaires

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has published LE 6-2009 Procedure for Determining Target Efficacy Ratings for Commercial, Industrial, and Residential Luminaires.

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has published LE 6-2009 Procedure for Determining Target Efficacy Ratings for Commercial, Industrial, and Residential Luminaires.

LE 6 provides a procedure for the determination of the target efficacy rating (TER) for luminaires under laboratory test conditions and describes categories or types of products used in common indoor and outdoor lighting applications.

It does not apply to luminaires for specialized applications, such as products intended to be aimed, accent luminaires, rough or hazardous use luminaires, or emergency lighting. It is recommended to be used only as a guide to help in the selection of luminaires since TER does not address application characteristics such as color, uniformity, glare, or other important considerations.

The 2009 revision to the document last published in 2008 includes updates to the calculation of the energy effectiveness factor and clarifications to the luminaire types and classifications.

LE 6 may be downloaded at no charge, or a hardcopy purchased for $55, according to NEMA.

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  posted on 11/10/2009   Article Use Policy

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