
More LED Lighting Projects on Horizon for Staples

More LED Lighting Projects on Horizon for Staples

By Dave Lubach, Associate Editor  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: Staples Buying Into LED LightingPt. 2: LED Lighting Provides Maintenance Benefits for StaplesPt. 3: This Page

The parking lot project opened the door for more company LED projects, both at the corporate headquarters and beyond.

Since the project, the company has added a 63,000-square-foot parking garage that has four levels and 800 parking spaces, including designated spots for carpool parking and plug-in stations for electric cars. The addition of the parking garage brings the total number of parking spaces at the headquarters to 3,200.

Other LED projects at the headquarters include the renovation of the 50,000-square-foot cafeteria and adding LEDs to the dock lights in the shipping area. LED projects are also taking place at Staples distribution centers and stores across the country.

As the technology continues to improve and lower in costs, the future for LEDs in the company remains bright.

"Depending on the cost or application, we're continuing to test, evaluate and implement into sites that we're looking at," Valair says. "We're constantly looking at LEDs and adding them to our portfolio."

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Staples Buying Into LED Lighting

LED Lighting Provides Maintenance Benefits for Staples

More LED Lighting Projects on Horizon for Staples

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  posted on 3/12/2014   Article Use Policy

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