
LEDs: Ensuring Bottom-Line Benefits

Asking simple questions before an LED upgrade project begins can help enure the costs and effort put into it can deliver the intended benefits.

By John Lutz  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: LEDs: Making Upgrades WorkPt. 2: LEDs: Strategies to Reduce Energy CostsPt. 3: This Page

Planning and undertaking lighting upgrade program can seem costly and relatively intimidating. But maintenance and engineering managers can take steps to ensure that their projects actually delivers. By answering the following questions, managers can ensure that the cost and effort an organization puts into a lighting upgrade project will deliver its intended benefits.

When it comes to understanding facility and occupants needs:

• Does the proposed lighting upgrade address current needs and the needs of your facility?

• What additional costs are associated with the project?

• Are the new lighting fixtures compatible with the existing lighting controls system?

To understand current energy costs:

• Is the manager tracking current energy costs?

• Does a reliable means exist to monitor power consumption?

• What does the facility’s lighting load profile look like year-round?

To ensure the lighting controls system working properly and without overrides:

• Has the lighting controls system been commissioned and tested?

• Is the lighting controls system operating as designed?

• Have any control overrides been left in place?

• Is the necessary operations and maintenance information on this system available to help make intelligent decisions?

When it comes to energy-savings efforts:

• Is the facility operating with energy saving strategies in mind?

• What are some actions available to reduce unnecessary energy use?

• Do staff and facility occupants practice or ignore current energy-saving strategies?

In terms of vendors and suppliers:

• Does the vendor or contractor have experience in sourcing and installing LED lighting systems?

• Are the specified LED systems from a reputable vendor?

• Do the specified LEDs have reliable product data that backs up their claims of lifespan and efficiency?

When it comes to system commissioning:

• Does the commissioning agent have experience inspecting and testing LED lighting systems?

• Are clear control system sequences and project requirements in place?

• Are the specifications and other project documentation for the lighting upgrade tailored to LED lightings rather than generic lighting systems?

Continue Reading: Lighting

LEDs: Making Upgrades Work

LEDs: Strategies to Reduce Energy Costs

LEDs: Ensuring Bottom-Line Benefits

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  posted on 8/8/2017   Article Use Policy

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