
Temperature Monitors and Thermal Imagers Identify Hot Spots

By James Piper, P.E.  
OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: IAQ Monitors Help Create Healthy Indoor EnvironmentsPt. 2: This PagePt. 3: Portable Equipment Detects Power Sags and SpikesPt. 4: Test Equipment Helps Develop Preventive Maintenance Programs

A non-contact temperature monitor is one of the most valuable monitoring tools in a technician’s arsenal. They can use these units to identify temperature variations in equipment, electrical systems, heat-transfer surfaces, and structures. Some units also can produce a digital readout or thermal image.

Technicians can use both the temperature monitor and the thermal-imaging unit to detect developing problems. They can identify corroded connections as hot spots, either in the image or the temperature reading. Dirty or plugged areas in heat transfer surfaces show up as unusually hot or cold areas. By identifying these developing problems, technicians can take corrective action before the problems result in costly failures.

Many of today’s thermal-imaging cameras weigh less than 5 pounds and enable users to transfer high-resolution, color images to computers for later review. They also are more portable than their predecessors, so if technicians need to use the system in relatively confined spaces, the smaller, lighter weight cameras are more effective.

Continue Reading: Diagnostic Technology: Take a Closer Look

IAQ Monitors Help Create Healthy Indoor Environments

Temperature Monitors and Thermal Imagers Identify Hot Spots

Portable Equipment Detects Power Sags and Spikes

Test Equipment Helps Develop Preventive Maintenance Programs

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  posted on 12/1/2008   Article Use Policy

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