
Water Treatment Records Are Not Just Busy Work

HVAC, Water Treatment, Facility Management   April 23, 2010

Today's tip comes from James Piper, contributing editor for Building Operating Management.

One of the most important procedures for the long-term effectiveness of the water treatment program is good record keeping. Thoroughly documented logs of test results and actions taken will not only provide a clear indication of the status of the program, but also indicate any trends that are taking place. In the event of a component failure, a review of records can help identify the cause and what can be done to prevent a recurrence. Good records also help operators predict problems with system components and to identify those that should be inspected.

Here are four types of records that should be kept:

     • Makeup water: quantity used, hardness, conductivity and silica
     • Cooling tower water: pH, hardness, silica, conductivity, and inhibitor and bacterial levels
     • Closed-loop systems: pH, conductivity, iron, hardness, and inhibitor and bacterial levels
     • Chemical treatment: chemical pump settings and dosages


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