How to Winterize a Facility's HVAC Systems

Freezing temperatures across the country is a reminder that the winter season is a critical time to ensure HVAC systems are properly maintained.   January 27, 2025

By Jeff Wardon, Jr., Assistant Editor

Winter is harsh on everything, including the built environment and its many systems. Winterization is key to safeguarding facility systems such as HVAC from a host of cold weather-induced problems. This Facilities In Focus features Keith Anklam, HVAC tech for Marathon County Facilities and Capital Management, discussing what needs to be done to winterize a facility’s HVAC systems to ensure they stay fully operational all winter long. 

Key Takeaways from This Video: 

  • Most critical HVAC tasks for winterization. 0:27 
  • Balancing energy efficiency with IAQ. 1:38 
  • Common winter HVAC issues. 2:11 

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