Showcase: HVAC

Spyder Sylk Enhanced Controller
Honeywell Environmental Combustion and Controls
The programmable unitary controller features a two-wire polarity insensitive bus that provides support for... more»
Maverick II
McQuay International
Rooftop system is available in capacities from 30 to 50 tons. System uses R-410A and... more»

Air Handler Fan
HUNTAIR®, A CES Group Company
System is an array of small fans designed to replace centrifugal or vaneaxial fans where space is limited... more»
AC7 Matrix Converter
Yaskawa Electric America Inc.
Is an alternate power converter for induction motor drives that produces a direct AC/AC conversion... more»
Benchmark 2.0 Low NOx
Aerco International Inc.
The 2 million BTU/hr condensing boiler is designed to ensure that emissions consistently measure less... more»
Goodway Technologies Corp.
The dual-motor duct vacuum is designed for use in conjunction with a duct cleaner to draw loosened deposits... more»

Portable air conditioner offers 14,000 BTU/hr of cooling for supplemental A/C and emergency situations... more»

APR-410 Control
Rawal Devices Inc.
Provides full capacity modulation for all sizes of direct-expansion air conditioning systems that use R-410A... more»
AG-150 Controller
Mitsubishi Electric
Can monitor and control up to 50 indoor units and features a color touch panel... more»

Condenser Cover Hinge
Universal Hinge Corp.
Designed for quick installation where access to chiller condenser tubes is needed for cleaning... more»
York Tempo
Johnson Controls Inc.
Air-cooled scroll chillers have an integrated part-load value as high as 16.0 EER... more»

E-Clipse Bypass
Bypass for back-up motor control of HVAC devices is designed for all types of OEM equipment... more»

Permatron Corp.
Air intake filters are designed to prevent debris such as cottonwood from entering the coils... more»

OAM Purger
Redi Controls Inc.
Designed to continually clean oil, acid and moisture from a chiller’s refrigerant charge... more»
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