
INFOGRAPHIC: FMs Report On The State of Their HVAC Equipment

INFOGRAPHIC: FMs Report On The State of Their HVAC Equipment

Third of a three-part article on how determining long-term costs can make energy efficiency more attractive to upper managers.

OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: How To Calculate Life-Cycle Costs and Justify Energy Efficient HVAC UpgradesPt. 2: Software Tools Help Forecast HVAC Operating Costs Pt. 3: This Page

The infographic below, based on a Building Operating Management magazine survey of facility managers, shows that there is a lot of HVAC equipment out there that is on its last legs and will soon need to be replaced. Indeed, about a third of chillers and boilers/water heaters installed in today's facilities are more than 20 years old. Calculating long-term life-cycle costs is one of the most important things facility managers can do to justify upgrades to more energy efficient, cost-saving equipment.


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  posted on 1/18/2017   Article Use Policy

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