
HVAC: Difference Between AHRI Certified and Rated

OTHER PARTS OF THIS ARTICLEPt. 1: This PagePt. 2: HVAC: AHRI Certification Programs

From the directory, users also can print Certificates of AHRI Certified Performance to provide proof that the HVACR equipment and components they are specifying or selecting are certified. The certificates also include the equipment's certified performance ratings, which managers can use to obtain tax credits and utility rebates.

In short, specifying AHRI Certified equipment is an essential tool for ensuring that managers get what they have paid for with respect to the HVACR and water-heating equipment installed in their buildings.

Certified vs. Rated

Phrases on products such as "rated in accordance" with AHRI standards, or "tested in accordance" with AHRI standards are not the same as AHRI Performance Certified or "certified in accordance" with an AHRI standard. The former phrases are mere self-declarations by manufacturers themselves. They are not an independent verification of product performance.

The difference is akin to an automobile manufacturer declaring that each of its cars meets a certain miles-per-gallon rating, rather than referring customers to the EPA estimation, which is always the case.

The AHRI Performance Certified mark on a product or in a product catalog, sales literature or spec sheets is the best assurance of product performance.

To verify performance claims, managers should look for the certification mark before specifying products, or they can use AHRI's Directory of Certified Product Performance.

This article was prepared by the Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute. For more information, visit www.ahrinet.org.

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HVAC: Difference Between AHRI Certified and Rated

HVAC: AHRI Certification Programs

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  posted on 3/23/2013   Article Use Policy

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