
ANSI Issues Accrediation to HVAC Certification Body

The American National Standards Institute has issued accreditation to the Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Bureau, an organization that is meant to ensure that HVAC systems operate efficiently by certifying contractors and technicians.

The American National Standards Institute has issued accreditation to the Testing, Adjusting and Balancing Bureau, an organization that is meant to ensure that HVAC systems operate efficiently by certifying contractors and technicians.

TABB was developed by the National Energy Management Institute Committee (NEMIC), a not-for-profit corporation sponsored by the Sheet Metal Workers' International Association (SMWIA) and the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association (SMACNA). TABB runs the TAB (testing, adjusting and balancing) certification program, which is meant to ensure that HVAC systems operate at the highest standards and with the greatest efficiency and effectiveness at every stage of an indoor environmental retrofit or to new building specification.

“Many people ask the question who certifies the certifier,” says John Hamilton TABB COO.  “TABB now has an answer ANSI which follows ISO standard 17024.  Across the country TABB has gained ground in getting specified as an equal to NEBB and AABC.”

TABB says its certification standards and procedures for certification are set by a policy-making body – the International Certification Board (ICB) of NEMIC, with SMWIA as the training arm, and the International Training Institute as the testing body, and TABB as the certification body.

TABB affiliate offices are found in Connecticut, Chicago, New York, Indiana, Orange County, San Francisco, Saint Louis, and Los Angeles. The organization says this creates separation between establishing certification criteria and the testing and renewal of certification ensures that TABB certification administration and policy setting is free from regionalized industry politics that can keep qualified contractors from becoming certified.

TABB certified professionals have mastered specific HVAC industry requirements that are accepted and approved by an organization whose benchmarks for consumer safety and U.S. business best practice are recognized throughout the world.  

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  posted on 2/18/2009   Article Use Policy

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