
OSHA Finds No Violations after N.H. Healthcare Facility Workers Were Sickened

  January 26, 2018

By Cathryn Jakicic

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration found no violations after 19 employees suddenly fell ill at the Exeter (N.H.) Hospital, according to an article on the New Hampshire Union Leader website.

Authorities responded to the hospital on the morning of Aug. 11 after several employees in the operating room department began feeling dizzy and nauseated.

The incident prompted the hospital to evacuate the emergency and operating room departments.

Neither the hospital nor local fire officials have released a cause for the illness.

Read the article.

This Quick Read was submitted by Cathryn Jakicic, Healthcare Industries Editor, FacilitiesNet. For about hospital campuses and other medical facilities, visit https://www.facilitiesnet.com/healthcarefacilities.






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