
N.J. Hospitals Practice Response to Nuclear Attack

  May 12, 2017

By Cathryn Jakicic

Hospitals across New Jersey recently practiced for a nuclear attack, according to an article on the Fierce Healthcare website.
"Operation Gotham Shield" simulated the impacts of a nuclear disaster. A spokesperson for the New Jersey EMS Task Force said the action was not a direct response to concerns about North Korea's nuclear arsenal. 
In Rutherford, emergency medical services set up mobile emergency care at MetLife Stadium that would allow providers to decontaminate exposed patients and assess their needs.
Hackensack University Medical Center deployed a mobile emergency room, in a tractor trailer that can fold up and travel to other locations.
This Quick Read was submitted by Cathryn Jakicic, Healthcare Industries Editor, FacilitiesNet. For about hospital campuses and other medical facilities, visit https://www.facilitiesnet.com/healthcarefacilities/



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