
Mayo Clinic Health's Eau Claire Expansion Project Begins

  January 11, 2016

Mayo Clinic Health System's Eau Claire campus will begin construction on the fifth floor of the Luther Building in Eau Claire, Wis. The new unit will feature expanded and environmentally friendly features.

The project is part of a 15-year healthcare campus plan and the final phase of the Luther Building. The fifth floor has been vacant since the initial Luther Building construction completion in 2010.

The south wing of the fifth floor will house the neuroscience/pediatrics/trauma department, providing 20 rooms for inpatient care. The north wing will feature 20 Rapid Discovery and Recovery patient rooms for those requiring a stay of less than 48 hours. 

Design details include water, wood, and sandstone to create a healing environment with a tie to nature.

Read more about healthcare on the Healthcare Facilities Today website.

This Quick Read was submitted by Cathryn Jakicic, Healthcare Industries Editor, Facilities.net



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