
duct tape

Canadian Hospital Criticized for Use of Duct Tape

  December 4, 2019

By Cathy Jakicic

Regina’s General Hospital in Saskatchewan, Canada, is being criticized for using duct tape to hold down flooring at an infectious disease clinic, according to Global News.

Other maintenance issues include the need to resurface counters and wall in part of the neonatal intensive care unit.

The opposition New Democratic Party recently brought a list of unfulfilled maintenance work orders, obtained through a freedom of information request to the Legislative Building.

The work order for the floors in the infectious disease clinic are dated March 18. The NICU work order is dated February 13. The documents obtained by the FOI were printed on Oct. 3 and 4.

Cathryn Jakicic is healthcare industries editor of FacilitiesNet.com. For more information on hospital campuses and other medical facilities, check out the FacilitiesNet healthcare page


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