
Biophilic Design Can Support Healing

  May 4, 2018

By Cathryn Jakicic

Patients have been found to experience  healing benefits when the healthcare facility's design incorporates principles of biophilia, according to an article on the Medical Construction & Design newsletter.

Exposure to natural elements, whether directly from actual nature or interpretations, aid in the healing process of patients, the article said.

Research has suggested that when patient rooms have views of nature, postoperative stays are generally shorter, less pain medication is dispensed and overall condition improves. 

Evidence also shows that representational images of natural features such as landscapes, gardens and waterscapes can reduce stress and improve results like pain relief. 

Read the article.

 This Quick Read was submitted by Cathryn Jakicic, Healthcare Industries Editor, FacilitiesNet. For about hospital campuses and other medical facilities, visit https://www.facilitiesnet.com/healthcarefacilities.



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