
Move to Exempt Healthcare Facilities from Kansas Gun Law Stalls

  June 2, 2017

By Cathryn Jakicic

Efforts to exempt the University of Kansas Health System and other public hospitals from a state law allowing concealed weapons in their facilities took a step backward recently, according to an article on the Kansas City Star website.

The Kansas Senate debated a bill that included the expanded exemption, but legislators eventually agreed to send the legislation back to a lower Senate panel.

Unless changes are made, concealed handguns will be allowed in state psychiatric hospitals starting in July. 

Public hospitals would be required to allow concealed handguns unless adequate security measures were installed. That would include metal detectors and armed guards. Estimates for how much it would cost to add the security measures have ranged from $12 million to around $25 million.

Read the article.

This Quick Read was submitted by Cathryn Jakicic, Healthcare Industries Editor, FacilitiesNet. For about hospital campuses and other medical facilities, visit https://www.facilitiesnet.com/healthcarefacilities/



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