
Md. Hospital NICU Reopens After Investigation of Pseudomonas Bacteria

  April 21, 2017

By Cathryn Jakicic

The neonatal intensive-care unit (NICU) at Prince George’s Hospital Center in Cheverly, Md., has reopened four months after an investigation of an outbreak of a potentially deadly bacteria, according to an article on The Washington Post website.

The unit was cleared after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reaffirmed that the bacteria originated in the plumbing and the hospital completed significant improvements to that system.

The hospital invested more than $500,000 in a new water-treatment system to clean and regularly flush its pipes. 

It also has implemented more-rigid protocols and oversight of ­infection-control procedures for hand washing, bacteria surveillance and water testing, the article said.

Read the article.

 This Quick Read was submitted by Cathryn Jakicic, Healthcare Industries Editor, Facilities.net



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